The Kukuburi campaign is ZIPPING along at a steady pace - and from the campaign metrics my strongest support has come from all of YOU who have been subscribed to my newsletter (for better or worse) over the years!
So sincerely thank you - I'll be throwing in a little extra into all your backer packages for the support (and patience) over the years. I'll share a little more about that next newsletter!
Beyond that - I'd like to give a little update on the Stretch Goals we just dropped in the campaign...
As of today, the campaign is just shy of $39K (Canadian - about $31 USD) meaning we created our first Stretch Goal of a FREE NADIA & NUG STATIC CLING to all physical backers of the book! Backer wise we are at 564 - so, just 36 shy of our Backer Stretch Goal! This means once we (hopefully) crest 600 all said first 600 backers shall receive a KUKUBURI FOIL EMBOSSED BOOKMARK! to mark their place in the book :)
To up the ante, I've announced two new stretch goals!
A new 800 BACKER GOAL of a MR. BONES MAGNET (which will go to ONLY the first 800 backers)!
AND should we reach $42,000 Canadian (around $33,500 USD) in funding ALL PHYSICAL BACKERS will receive a KUKUBURI 18" x 24" POSTER Featuring the entire cast of the series! This was an impromptu stretch goal - as the funding was going so well I wanted to give some extra physical assets back above and beyond the book to the backers. So since it was rather impromptu - I have not drawn it yet. But NO NEED TO FEAR - it'll be AWESOME! Think KUKUBURI movie poster a la PIXAR and STAR WARS :P
...and that is all for today!
Thank you all again for unrelenting support - it has me elated and excited about the years ahead.
Have a lovely and amazing weekend!